Submit YOUR interview questions for Ilima Considine and The Sexbots!

We’ve interviewed trans-disciplinary artist Ilima Considine several times about her musical project The Sexbots.  She’s back with the fifth full-length Sexbots album, “The Girlfriend Experience, ” and is about go on tour.  We’ll be featuring another interview with her, but this time would like YOU to ask the questions! Use the form below to submit your questions and we’ll compile/forward to Ilima and then post all the replies.  If you’re not familiar with Ilima Considine and the Sexbots, check out the official site for info and more videos.

Questions for Ilima Considine

Please enter your question in the form below. Submissions will close on May 20, 2016, at which point we'll compile and send them to Ilima for answers. Duplicates will be combined, but all who submit will be credited.

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